Dining out is an important part of our everyday life: while in some ways it can be a luxury, it also fulfills a very important need for social interaction. The Django’s team has carefully reviewed and discussed the current coronavirus crisis, and we have decided together to remain open with normal business hours for our guests.
Since 2008, we’ve provided a safe place for family & friends to enjoy a shared dining experience away from home. We’ll continue to do just that, in a welcoming environment that also meets the broader community’s needs for “Social Distancing”. If at any time we cannot achieve both, we will suspend operations until the crisis subsides.
We continue to follow stringent practices to ensure the safety and wellness all of our guests and our team. We will continue to monitor all recommendations and requirements introduced and updated by local, state and federal agencies.
In addition, we are implementing new front-of-house practices:
Seating requests: Dine wherever you like: choose any location or table in our dining room, on ground floor, upstairs, or private dining room.
Greater table spacing: General seating will be dispersed throughout the dining room, to intentionally provide a comfortable distance from other guests.
Single use of menus: We will continue printing new paper menus every night, and each guest will receive their own menu for the evening, We will no longer keep & re-distribute them.
Digital Menus: Starting next week, we will maintain a real-time digital menu, for guests to view on their own device (mobile, tablet) either in-house, or from home.
Expanded Take-out and Delivery Options: The digital menu will be available to order for pickup/take-out, and we will package any of our meals to go. No cost for ‘packaging’, and you can borrow our utensils, and bring them back later. If you are unable to travel to the the restaurant to pick up your order, we will make arrangements to deliver it to you at home!
And we have new policies for scheduling and managing our team:
We are maintaining a smaller, core team of essential staff only — the minimum required to handle front-of-house operations.
Paid sick days for all staff, per state recommendations
Reimbursement for transportation, for staff members who prefer to drive and not commute by bus
We will provide updates if there are further developments. Otherwise, stay safe and healthy, and we’ll see you soon!